Expanded Prep Demolition Plan
Zoning review for commercial projects is performed by either the SDP Project Coordination team or Commercial Zoning. Zoning permits are issued for uses, construction, and signs, but not all projects will require a zoning permit.
There are generally three paths available for obtaining zoning permits:
- Obtain zoning permits during the site development plan (SDP) process (required for certain projects);
- Obtain zoning permits before you apply for building permits; or
- Apply for zoning and building permits at the same time (known as a “simultaneous review”).
Site Development Plan (SDP) Projects CPD’s project coordinators facilitate the SDP process. An SDP is required for new commercial construction, major additions, new construction of three or more residential units, and some tenant-finish/remodel projects undergoing change of occupancy. During the SDP process, a project coordinator helps to identify significant land and building issues that may affect project design and feasibility, will request and collect technical information and supporting materials, and will facilitate reviews by other agencies. Plan review for a building permit may begin during the SDP process if the project coordinator allows (typically at some point in the formal SDP phase) but building permits will not be issued until the final SDP is recorded and zoning permit(s) have been issued. The SDP process includes three parts: (1) the initial submittal of a concept SDP followed by a concept meeting with various agencies to review feedback and discuss any issues raised by the concept; (2) the formal SDP phase, once the concept is approved; and (3) a final phase of approvals, during which the SDP is approved and recorded.
Commercial Zoning Permits For commercial/multifamily projects that do not require an SDP, the Commercial Zoning team manages the review and issuance of zoning permits. These projects usually entail tenant finish and remodel projects in existing buildings, small additions, accessory structures and fences, change of use, repair/replacement projects, signs, and telecommunications towers and associated equipment. Applicants for a commercial zoning permit should apply via e-permits or email.
Log in for a Simultaneous Zoning and Building Code Review Customers who will need both a zoning permit and a building permit can also choose a simultaneous zoning and building code review at time of building permit application. Applicants should submit both zoning and building plans to start these reviews.
Exclusions: The following projects require additional approvals during their permitting process, and as a result, cannot apply for a simultaneous zoning and building code review:
- Landmark/historic structures (unless it is a tenant finish or change of use that has no exterior work or has already received a Landmark Certificate of Appropriateness) – Landmark/historic projects must start the permitting process with an approval from Landmark Preservation.
- Projects located in a design review district or subject to city-adopted urban design standards and guidelines (unless it is a tenant finish or change of use that has no exterior work) . Projects in a design review district should contact the project coordinator assigned to that area;
- Special zoning reviews, such as a zoning permit with informational notice (ZPIN), zoning permit with special exception (ZPSE), or an administrative review; and
- Projects with an SDP under review. Projects in the SDP process already receive a zoning code review and may begin a building code review once they have the approval of their assigned project coordinator. Note that additional fees may be due if a review is completed by one entity and another entity requires changes to the submitted documents, necessitating a re-review by the team that previously reviewed and approved the project. Additional fees will be charged on an hourly basis, using standard rates.