Code Consulting Services

Code Consulting. Simplified.

Burnham's code compliance experts are members of national and municipal code drafting committees and possess an in-depth understanding of all relevant municipal codes. Our code team stays up-to-date on building code interpretations by continuously communicating with municipal building code officials, and are frequent presenters at seminars, workshops and teach university classes on building code compliance.  We are industry leaders in regulation and compliance in the construction industry partnering with many corporate clients in The United States.

Let us consult on your new building or existing buildings to ensure that any development can proceed quickly so Department of Buildings (DOB) officials can promptly approve your plans.

Ready to Get It Done?

Unlike other code consultants who primarily work on life safety code issues (egress, sprinklers, fire alarm systems), we conduct comprehensive reviews for zoning, historic preservation, site planning, and energy conservation to ensure that your project is compliant with all applicable jurisdictional and land use provisions.

As many types of facilities involve complex code issues, it is critical to use seasoned building professionals in a project's early phases to ensure timely project completion. 

Burnham's code consultants are experts in building, accessibility, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, energy, and sprinkler codes and standards.

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Burnham Permit Expediters working on a project

Unparalleled Experience in Construction Codes

Our code and compliance team is led by a licensed and International Code Council-certified architect with more than four decades of experience and is composed of several licensed professionals. We apply our code compliance knowledge to a broad range of projects, including large-scale mixed-use developments, historic building renovations, universities and other educational institutions, residential towers, hotels, business and mercantile tenant build-outs, medical facilities, movie theatres, and transportation facilities.

Due Diligence Services

Need help with a building sale or purchase? Satisfying lender refinancing requirements or increasing a building’s valuation and reducing risk? As part of our due diligence services, we conduct a municipal records technical evaluation; fire, life safety, and accessibility on-site survey; document and floor plan review; and code and zoning assessment. A due diligence review may be required for:

  • Municipal Records & Technical Evaluation
  • Document and Floor Plan Review
  • Code and Zoning Assessments

Our review culminates in a comprehensive report that identifies compliance issues so that they may be corrected before your space enters the market.

Life Safety Services

Our team will conduct life safety reviews and provide code advice starting from the schematic design phase through the finalization of construction documents. We can also conduct site reviews after construction has begun.

We provide guidance on potential solutions that are considered readily achievable and assist in developing a comprehensive plan for compliance with critical safety issues, including:

  • Fire alarm systems
  • Egress
  • Sprinklers
  • Accessibility On-Site Surveys

Burnham’s Code Team will recommend modifications prior to plan submittal in order to limit critical building department issued corrections saving you valuable time.

Accessibility Services

Burnham’s Code Group can assist your team in reviewing drawings as early as the schematic design phase, advising on current Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements and alerting the team to any necessary changes.

Our expertise covers a broad spectrum of building alteration projects on multiple levels, including:

  • Local
  • State
  • Federal

Early project assistance and expert code analysis saves you valuable time and money during permit reviews, construction, and site inspections.

Hard hat, safety vest, building plans

Special Services

The Code Group can help during the entire project cycle, from design to plan review, through final construction. We can also assist in critical areas that may arise, including closing outstanding building violations and serving as an expert witness.

people reviewing documents


New Construction Expediting Services

Our proactive and systematic approach expedites the entire permit process

We facilitate all the permits for the entire lifecycle of a new construction project.

  • Demolition
  • Substructure construction
  • Full building structure construction
  • Tenant build-outs

Burnham has pioneered the use of phased permitting which allows construction to run continuously rather than waiting for all the plans to be completed.

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Simply Getting it Done

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