Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT): Operations Guidelines

Posted by Steve Rodriguez

As always, our goal is to continue communicating with city officials online, via email and by phone and provide you with updates on any city implementations. As we continue to monitor all jurisdictions for updates we’ve received operational updates from Chicago Department of Transportation(CDOT).
Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT), Division of Infrastructure Management (DIM) reminds its stakeholders—including utility providers, construction companies, locators, and project managers—that public way management is an essential function.
DIM intends to operate its core work groups in accordance with measures proposed by public health officials.
- Permitting
- 811 Chicago
- Public Way Enforcement
DIM will continue to require companies planning to excavate in the public right of way to obtain a permit and a dig ticket from CDOT prior to starting work. To ensure that work in the public right of way proceeds in an effective, efficient, and safe manner DIM asks users to adhere to the public way accommodations.
Public Way COVID-19 accommodations
- Until further notice, all permit applications should be submitted electronically.
- Public way stakeholders should only apply for a permit when they are ready to work.
- DIM ask that permit requestors understand that some public way stakeholders may have diminished workforces due to COVID-19.
- Only subcontractors who will actually work at a site should be added to a permit. For example, do not add multiple subcontractors who perform the same work to the permit. Again, this has always been the expectation, but is particularly important now.
- Work which may impact health care facilities will only be permitted in the case of emergency repairs.
- e.g., lane closures, potential for utility service disruption to the facility, etc.
Following the guidelines above, companies working in the public way should be able to continue their work without overly taxing the resources of other public way stakeholders. If you or your team has any additional questions, please reach out to our Chicago team!