NYC Department of Buildings(DOB): Construction Reopening Guidelines
Posted by Veronica Ciechowska
During Phase 1 of NYC’s reopening, NYC Department of Buildings (DOB) Inspectors began a citywide inspection sweep of every permitted site to verify compliance with State and City Phase 1 restart requirements.
In the course of Phase 1, DOB Inspectors focus was to make sure the construction industry was in compliance with COVID requirements. To keep the construction industry in continued compliance, the city has created a “Do’s and Don’ts” document to keep work site(s) safe.
DOB Construction Compliance Do's and Don'ts:
- Interim Guidance for Construction Activities During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency
- What To Know One-Pager
- Do's and Don't Document
An area that continues to see a lower compliance rate applies to reduced capacity signage for hoists/elevators. Any sites with hoists and elevators must include signage that shows the reduced capacity of 50%. This signage must be posted in each cab and on each landing where you enter/exit the car.
Penalties and Repercussions
A reminder that as of July 8th, 2020 sites found out of compliance will be subjected to violations that carry financial penalties, with the potential for a Stop Work Order. Continued noncompliance may result in additional summonses with accompanying civil penalties of up to $10,000 for each offense.
To avoid penalties & repercussions make sure your site includes a Safety Plan and a Safety Affirmation; both of which must be completely filled out and posted for all to see. If neither or are filled out, it will result in the issuance of a Stop Work Order.
For additional information on the Phase 1 re-opening, please visit Reach out to our Burnham team to help navigate the permitting and licensing within New York City.